Adobe Creative Jam Campaign
A design tournament held by Adobe. Competed in a 3-weeks jam on a special project supporting our Coral Reefs.
Teammate: Yi Chen; My Role: Copy writing , UI design
The Challenge
For the first time in human history, we are on the verge of losing a major part of oceanic flora and fauna. Therefore we are aiming to come up with a digital solution using Adobe XD that will raise awareness and enable people around the world to donate to reef restoration efforts and have a direct impact on our ocean’s well-being.
How to make it fun and easy for every user to donate?
Besides the main challenge, there are further challenges to think about:
How to educate the public about issues happening in the ocean?
How to empower individuals to invite their organizations to donate?
How can users keep up with what’s happening with their donations?
How to show user’s total contributions and impact as a whole?
How to share user’s involvement with social channels?
Design Needs
After understanding the user, we identified a list of design solutions to better solve the problem to our target user:
Offer accessible content to the widest possible audience.
Provide engaging and powerful educational information on coral reefs.
Design an easy, smooth, and guiding donating experience.
Provide validation to give proudness about sharing this campaign to others.
Design Solutions
According to each user need and considering the challenges before, we came up with different solutions that could inform our final design.
1. Offer accessible content to the widest possible audience
We decided to make an interactive web-based game that integrates storytelling, game, donation-making and sharing in a sequence.
2. Provide engaging and powerful educational information
Applying emotional design, we focused on visual elements as well as animation and interaction. Good visceral process makes learning enjoyable.
3. Design an easy, smooth, and guiding donating experience
To minimize the learning curve, we decided to make it a sequence of sections. So people can easily immerse in the donation process designed in the game.
4. Provide validation to give proudness about sharing achievements
Social sharing is an organic form of promotion generated by the public. Therefore, we created a poster at the end of the game, so that people not only feel good about donating but also are willing to share with friends, or even their companies, leading to a virtuous cycle.